The Rink Studios Security & Bag Policy

NO backpacks, purses or bags are allowed to be brought into the venue

EXCEPT for the following:
Bags that are clear plastic, vinyl or PVC and do not exceed 12″ x 6″ x 12.”
Small clutch bags, approximately the size of a hand (and that do not exceed 4.5″ x 6.5”), with or without a handle or strap

For the avoidance of doubt, iridescent, color-tinted, and opalescent bags are NOT allowed; they must be clear

We do not have a coat check, if you bring in an oversized bag you must return it to your vehicle



NO Bad Vibes
‍NO Air Horns or Noisemakers
‍NO Alcohol of any kind
NO Amplified sound devices (wireless speakers, etc.)
‍NO Audio Recording Devices
‍NO AVPs or MODs or Liquid to Refill Cartridges
‍NO Bicycles, Skates, Scooters or Skateboards
‍NO Chains or Chain Wallets
‍NO Detachable Lens Cameras
‍NO Drones
‍NO Drugs or Drug Paraphernalia
‍NO Fireworks or Explosives
‍NO Flags
‍NO Flyers, Samples, Giveaways or Promotional Items
‍NO Glass or Metal Containers
‍NO Glow Sticks or LED Gloves
‍NO Hula Hoops
NO Kites
‍NO Motorized Personal Vehicles including but not limited to Hoverboards or Segways
‍NO Instruments
‍NO Laser Pointers
‍NO Mesh Bags
‍NO Outside Food or Beverages
‍NO Pepper Spray or Mace
‍NO Pets or Other Animals
NO Professional cameras and camera equipment
‍NO Sharpies, Markers or Paint Pens
‍NO Stuffed Animals or Inflatables
‍NO Totems
‍NO Video Cameras
‍NO Walkie Talkies
NO Water guns and water balloons
‍NO Weapons of Any Kind
NO backpacks/ bags that do not meet the bag policy